Friday, July 27, 2012

A Real Featherweight

Hello friends,

Oh be still my heart. I am in love. With today’s ‘Friday Find’.

What’s ‘Friday Find’? It’s my find of the week. I just started it. Today.

This is it:

And here’s how I found it.

This morning, I decided I was going to make a quick trip to one of my favorite picking haunts. I haven’t been out all week, staying close to home to work on the shop and curtail my picking activities. I asked V if she wanted to go with me - she did, so we jumped in my car and took off.

I’d gone through almost the whole building looking for something to love. At first, I walked by this box without noticing it on the floor, tucked back a little under a table. But then I stepped back, turned around and saw it. I bent to open the box and there this was, in its vintage green glory.

The General Electric Featherweight
Model A
 Serial Number 4775
In it’s original case, with handle intact.
V took it out of its case and turned it over and over. It got better from every angle!

It’s got the original foot pedal and power cord and the light on the back of the machine still has an intact glass bulb. I haven’t plugged it in yet – I’m a little leery. Once I do, though, I’ll let you know if it works. I love it either way but it might be easier to sell (and worth more?) if it works.

I found an ad for one on ebay and then I found an ad for another. Wha...? In any case, I paid well under $100 for this one. It's going up on etsy this weekend - if you check my shop late tomorrow afternoon, it should be there.

Have a great weekend, my friends.


  1. That is a great find....It will be a great item for someone who collects vintage sewing machines. Can you beleive you and V found this...I bet it put a smile on your face.

    1. It absolutely put a smile on my face!

  2. How cool!! I'm coveting this...even tho' I haven't anyplace to put it, not even for display. It's yummy!

    1. Hello Marjie!

      Isn't it cute? And it even works!

      Love ya...
