I have a list of things I must accomplish today; the shop reopens tomorrow. I’m thinking about having 10 products for opening but, as always for me, the pictures are daunting...my last blog entry is evidence of that! Those pictures all had a slightly blue tint - and they were the good ones! – but I don’t, personally, like to read blogs without pictures so I published with less than stellar shots.
There are so many factors that affect photographs because there are so many factors that affect light: time of day, time of year, available light sources, direction of light, blah, blah. You all get it and I get it but it’s going to take me time to learn about all that stuff together to turn out decent images. I’m up for the challenge...
In the meantime (probably doing something that breaks blogging 'rules' here), I'm publishing this post without pictures for all of you morning readers and I'll update this afternoon to add pictures from the day. Let me know if you find it frustrating. I'll try not to make it a habit!
Now back to that product list: gift box kits, glassine envelope wrap sets, mini garland kits, love notes and one paper craft kit. Oh – a few sticker/label sets as well. Lots of cute stuff (hey, Valentine’s Day is coming!) with more to come.
Next (while learning photography, developing products and filling orders (fingers crossed!)) is marketing and spreading the word about Industrial Country on etsy.
Speaking of etsy, I know it’s a great source for a lot of the things I still need to learn. There are videos and blogs and discussions and all kinds of things that can assist shop owners in becoming successful. I know I sound like an ad - not what I’m aiming for – but I’m just thinking out loud... I need to spend more time there picking up tips I can implement here.
Back to work now, back here with pictures this afternoon!
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